Gifted and Talented
Iliahi Elementary School is among nine schools in the Leilehua Complex committed to address the needs of its gifted and talented student population. Collectively, the Leilehua Complex schools have developed a plan that would assist all students to develop their potential by providing a continuum of services focusing on differentiated opportunities, students’ interests, readiness, and learning styles.
Selection Process
Open nomination. The nomination is open for students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. The nomination process involves a student’s teacher, parent/guardian, counselor, librarian, and other in-school role groups.
Screening Process
Iliahi Elementary School uses five screening tools for assessment in the programs found at each school in Leilehua Complex
- CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)
- OLSAT (Otis-Lennon Achievement Test)
- Torrance Test of Creativity – High School
- Writing sample using a Holistic rubric
- Parent Rating Scale and Teacher Rating Scale
Criteria for Selection of G/T and PG/T. Students who fall within stanines 8-9 in four out of five criteria are identified as gifted and talented (G/T). Students who fall in the 7-9 stanine range, in four out of five criteria are identified as potentially gifted and talented or (PG/T). Once the selection process is complete, differentiated instruction will be provided by the homeroom teacher for those students who are identified as G/T and PG/T.
Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
Language Arts
Standard 1: Reading: CONVENTIONS AND SKILLS: Use knowledge of the conventions of language and texts to construct meaning for a range of literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes.
Standard 2: Reading: READING COMPREHENSION: Use reading strategies to construct meaning from a variety of texts.
Standard 3: Reading: LITERARY RESPONSE AND ANALYSIS: Respond to literary texts from a range of stances: personal, interpretive, critical.
Standard 4: Writing: CONVENTIONS AND SKILLS: Use the writing process and conventions of language and research to construct meaning and communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences using a range of forms.
Standard 5: Writing: RHETORIC: Use rhetorical devices to craft writing appropriate to audience and purpose.
Standard 6: Oral Communication: CONVENTIONS AND SKILLS: Apply knowledge of verbal and nonverbal language to communicate effectively in various situations: interpersonal, group, and public for a variety of purpose.
Career and Technical Education
Standard 2: CAREER PLANNING: Explore and understand educational and career options in order to develop and implement personal, educational, and career goals