Vision, Mission & Beliefs
Iliahi is a place where:
Students learn and grow to their fullest potential. (GLO #1)
Everyone works together to develop the whole child. (GLO’S #2, #5, #6)
Everyone Inspires, Engages, and is Student centered. (GLO #3)
Students are learning to accept challenges and persevere. (GLO #1, #3, #4)
MISSION (GLO's #1-6)
Iliahi Elementary School is committed to establishing a strong foundation, encouraging active and creative learning through the support of all stakeholders. We instill in all students the desire to become lifelong learners and problem solvers in the community and global society.
All students are valued individuals with unique intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs.
All students can learn and develop to their fullest potential in a supportive learning environment.
All stakeholders share in the responsibility for developing the whole child.
Our commitment to continuous improvement is imperative.
Winter Concert & Bento Pickup/Bake Sale
It's Book Fair time! Come to the Fair and choose books you love! Visit our school's Book Fair homepage for more information.
Friday, Dec 13
8:00 am -10:00 am
*student must be accompanied by a responsible adult during after school hours
View the November 2024 Parent Bulletin
Please read the letter regarding an incident that occurred over the weekend
Reporting Absences
If your child is absent, the parent or legal guardian (not relative) must contact the school at (808) 622-6411 or email the school at iliahiel@k12.hi.us for each day of the absence. Please contact the school between 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. because the school needs to account for every student each school day. When you contact us, homework may be requested and picked up in the office between 2:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. for students who are absent for two or more consecutive days. An automated phone message will still be used to contact parents every day that your child is absent to remind you that a written note is needed upon your child’s return to school.
For more information about our Attendance Procedures, please view our Parent-Student Handbook.
Quick Links
Opportunities for Students and Families
Help schools raise money through you receipts of selected products
Register now for A+ After School Care for the SY 2024-2025
Anti Bullying App
Academic Tutoring and Life Coaching
Free Mental Health Support for Students
Free Pre-K Program
National School Lunch Program
Iliahi Elementary School is a Seamless Summer Option closed school site which will provide meals to only students who are enrolled at their school site.
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
Be Cool and Keep Our Schools Safe Flyer
Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination (rev. June 2023)
Family and Community Engagement/Partnership Policy 101-14
Family / Student / School Compact (rev.July 2024)
Directory Information - Notice to Parents, Guardians, and Eligible Students
Equal Educational Opportunity (rev. September 2023)
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems - MS4
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Information
MV-1 Questionnaire to Determine Eligibility
Notice & Request for Accommodations
Online Application for Free and Reduced Meal Benefits
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
Parent Letter regarding HAR Chapter 19 (rev. 8/7/2023)
Parents' Rights to Request Teacher Qualifications Letter (8/2024)
Request for Reasonable Accommodations Due to a Disability
Special Education - Is it for Your Child?
Student Information Privacy - Quick Guide
Technology Responsible Use Form (July 2016)
Health Flyers/Information
Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement
Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement
Click here to view the Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement.
Central District Equity Specialist
Michael Murakami
Phone: (808) 600-9299
Email: michael_murakami@notes.k12.hi.us
The Complex Area Equity Specialist addresses complaints relating to conduct based on a student's race, color, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, religion, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, physical appearance and characteristic or sexual orientation. The Complex Area Equity Specialist also acts as the coordinator for Title IX (gender equity), Language Access, Reasonable Accommodations and as the primary resource for issues relating to Title VII (employment discrimination).